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Jeet Kune Do

Filipino Kali

Kuntao Silat

Ομαδικά Τμήματα

Ιδιαίτερα Μαθήματα





Συχνές Ερωτήσεις


Filipino Martial Arts Athens Greece



Filipino Kali Carenza

The Carenza is a tribal warrior dance which the warrior express himself and his fighting spirit while doing his own flow and techniques! Each fighter has his own unique Carenza...

Solo practice has always been an important part of Martial Arts training. Carenza is a term used to refer to this type of solo practice, and is the
Filipino Kali equivalent of the Kata or Hyung found in other Martial Arts. The word Kali comes from a combination of two words (Kamot - body and Lihut - motion) which effectively means body motion. The constant study of how your body moves will help your progress in this art. Start with basic shadow boxing or any basic weapon patterns that you have learned, then put more and more variables together as you visualize. Try to visualize each line of attack by your opponent and structure your response accordingly. Remember that your body needs repetition and our mind needs to be creative. You should work on your footwork, body mechanics, hand position, body angling and continuous follow up techniques...

Although this Art should flow freely between all categories we have separated a few ideas to get you started:

Kickboxing Basics
Groin Kicks
Thai Kick
Foot Jab
Oblique Kicks
Grab and Elbow
Straight Knee
Skip Knee
Side Knee

Shadow Boxing Combinations
1. Jab - Catch (1-2 Rhythm)
2. Jab - Cross - Hook - Cross
3. Jab - Hook - Cross - Hook
4. Step Right - Parry - Cross - Hook - Cross
5. Step Left - Cover - Hook - Cross - Hook
6. Retreating Jab
7. Bob Left - Weave Right - Cross - Hook - Cross
8. Bob Right - Weave Left - Hook - Cross - Hook
9. Down Elbow - Snap Elbow
10. Duck 1/4 Step Up
11. Duck - Step Right - Overhand - Uppercut - Cross
12. Duck - Step Left - Overhand - Uppercut - Cross
13. Groin Kicks (Round - Front - Inverted)
Kick and Advance
Pendulum Kick
Retreating Kick
14. Low Side Kick
Advancing ("Chasse")
Jeet Tek (Shin - Stop Kick)
15. Left Foot Jab
16. Right Foot Jab
17. Right Kick
18. Left Kick
19. Right Cut Kick
20. Left Cut Kick
21. Right Knee - Left Elbow - Right Elbow
22. Left Knee - Right Elbow - Left Elbow
23. Add your own!

Other elements to add to your empty hand Carenza:
Locking Motions
Ground Fighting

Weapons Carenza
1. Backhand 3: (Mix Order)
Backhand Wittik - Backhand Medya - Backhand Redondo
2. Forehand 3: (Mix Order)
Forehand Wittik (Kurbado) - Forehand Wittik - Forehand Redondo
3. Downward 8's: Forehand - Backhand or Backhand - Forehand
4. Upward 8's
5. Looping 8's
6. Arco - Reverse Arco (Flouritte Strikes)
7. 3 Thrusts - Straight - Forehand - Backhand
8. Double Wittiks (Abaniko)
9. 4 Count
10. Lightning Strikes:
Medya - Double Wittiks (Abaniko) - Forehand Diagonal Slash
11. Reverse Lightning Strikes:
Level Wittik - Double Wittiks (Abaniko) - Backhand Diagonal Slash
12. Upward Backhand Diagonal - Level Forehand - Reverse Arco
13. Clock Strikes
14. Double Clock Strikes


For double sticks, dagger or any other weapon category follow the suggestions above and begin to put the variables together, explore the variations that the second weapon introduces. Remember to be creative and give your body the repetition you need!


Other elements to add to your Weapons Carenza:
Disarming Motions
Footwork Patterns


Much as a boxer will put together combinations of jab, cross, hook and uppercut; Carenza with a weapon should aim to join together the basic strikes. In the initial phase work on combining Lobtik strikes (hitting and pulling through) with Wittik strikes (hitting and pulling back) with the first four angles of attack. Simple combinations should be practiced most often to warm up and to maintain functional attacking skills.


Start with 2 count striking:
Angle 1 lobtik – Angle 4 wittik
Angle 2 lobtik – Angle 3 wittik
Angle 3 lobtik – Angle 2 wittik
Angle 4 lobtik – Angle 1 wittik

Move on to some 3 count striking drills such as:
Angle 1 lobtik – Angle 4 wittik – Angle 2 wittik

This combination is also referred to as high-low-high or ‘
the kangaroo’.

The use of the numbering system and the different lobtik/wittik strikes allow for different combinations to be mapped in sequence. Practicing with a weapon and playing with the possibilities you will see that some combinations are better than others. For example an angle 2 lobtik – angle 2 wittik combination is not particularly effective as it takes a long time to return the arm to position for the second strike. Flowing with carenza into smooth and efficient combinations goes a long way to develop functional weapon skill.


"Repetition is the mother of all skills..." Edgar Sulite



Academy Map

Η Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do βρίσκεται στην Αθήνα, στην διεύθυνση: Δήλου 9, Καισαριανή (κάθετα στην Φορμίωνος, σύνορα Βύρωνα-Καισαριανής). Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732 (Αγ. Φανούριος - Ακαδημία - Ζωοδ. Πηγή) (στάση 9η Φορμίωνος).

Επίσης πρόσβαση με την τοπική Δημοτική Συγκοινωνία του Δήμου Βύρωνα με το λεωφορείο
10 (Καρέας - Ντάνκαν) και το λεωφορείο 20 (Κουταλάς - Αγ. Λάζαρος) (στάση Φωκαίας).

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