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Μικτές Μαχητικές Τέχνες Αθήνα ΜΜΑ


Instructor Noah Thomas & Vagelis ZorbasMMA - Mixed Martial Arts

Ο εκπαιδευτής John Kefallonitis είναι προσωπικός μαθητής του Roger Machado και επίσημος αντιπρόσωπος της τέχνης Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu για τον Καναδά και την Ελλάδα. Περιοδικά επισκέπτεται την Ελλάδα για την υποστήριξη των μελών της Ακαδημίας στην εξέλιξή τους στην τέχνη Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu και MMA.


Η Ακαδημία διοργάνωσε 02 Ιουνίου 2007, 16 Νοεμβρίου 2008 και 19 Ιουνίου 2011 σεμινάρια MMA με τον εκπαιδευτή John Kefallonitis, καθώς και εντατικό πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης (Boot Camp) MMA όλο τον μήνα Ιούνιο 2007.


Επίσης διοργανώθηκε σεμινάριο MMA με τον εκπαιδευτή Noah "The Red" Thomas από τις ΗΠΑ 29 Οκτωβρίου 2012.


Mixed Martial Arts is both a style and not a style simultaneously. It is both a new and old way of thinking about martial arts. It bases the decisions about which techniques to use on their demonstrated effectiveness by different practitioners in open, non-style-specific sparring and/or competition that is designed to have as few rules as possible while still ensuring safety against death or severe permanent injury.

There are two main styles of MMA:
1. Sport MMA

Mixed Martial Arts designed for sporting competition, such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Pride Fighting Championship, or Vale Tudo style fighting matches. These matches usually have two unarmed persons ducking it out with the core rules being: No biting, No eye-gouging (with fingers or chin) and No fish-hooking (inserting body parts such as the fingers into bodily crevices such as the mouth or nose). Groin attacks (striking or squeezing the groin) are also often illegal.

The promoters may add more rules, or simply use what are considered to be the core rules. More restrictive promotions of MMA include Old Pancrase, Shootfighting, or RINGS rules. These rules sets often ban striking on the ground, closed-fist striking, or both.

In general, Boxing (Kickboxing / Muay Thai included), Wrestling (Freestyle, Greco-Roman, and to a lesser extent Judo), and Brazilian Jiu
Jitsu (BJJ) are the three styles that comprise the core of nearly all modern MMA training.

2. Street MMA

The principles of Mixed Martial Arts as applied for non-sport situations. There seem to be fewer mixed martial artists interested in this as compared to sport MMA, though the number of practitioners is growing. In practice, many, though not all, of the persons doing this come from a Jeet Kune Do background, and sometimes call what they do Jeet Kune Do (ex. Matt Thornton, Erik Paulson).

Their work is somewhat different from the JKD mainstream in calling for large amounts of few
rules sparring, and they encourage their students to do sport MMA sparring/competition. One can argue endlessly whether what they do is or is not MMA or JKD suffice it to say there are similarities to both, and that JKD can be MMA and MMA JKD.

Most Street MMAers believe that sport MMA merely needs some changes in strategy (less emphasis on staying on the ground, more weapons awareness) and the addition of some techniques to become highly effective for the street. By far the most common addition to street-oriented MMA is Filipino
Martial Art Kali (FMA Kali) training, due to its emphasis on, and practical use of weaponry, primarily the stick and knife.


MMA Origin:
The sport developed worldwide in the current form circa 1997, with the main centers of development being Brazil, the US, and Japan. During the time of its development, there were many exchanges of knowledge between the nations that developed MMA. Techniques were taken from the martial arts and sports of Brazil, Japan, England, America, Thailand, Holland, France, and Russia, along with smaller amounts from other nations. Early MMA was internationally popularized by the broadcast of the Ultimate Fighting Championship I in November of 1993.

MMA History:
The first documented Mixed Martial Arts style competitions, and certainly the conceptual ancestor of today's MMA, were the Pankration events of Classical Greece. Different styles of Greek wrestling and boxing were utilized. However, unlike the early UFCs, there was little emphasis on proving which style(s) worked best. Instead, there was much more concentration on representing the city the athletes came from, and each city's native styles were considered to be equally good. Other forms of MMA have existed throughout history, such as French Brancaille.

The first Ultimate Fighting Championship was the brainchild of Art Davie and Rorian Gracie. Originally to be called War of the Worlds, it ended up featuring a sumo wrestler, a boxer, a savateur, two kickboxers, a kenpo man, a shootfighter, and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter named Royce Gracie. Gracie swept by the other contestants to win the tournament, and swept two of the next three tournaments (Gracie could not continue due to heat stroke in UFC III) By the time of UFC III, the referee was allowed to stop fights. After UFC IV, Rorian Gracie pulled out of the UFC, and after UFC 6, similar but smaller MMA events began popping up all over the country.

In the first few UFC tournaments, when the rules were limited to the core three, a large variety of stylists competed. However, few fared well. Boxers tended to dominate the striking, wrestlers (Freestyle, Greco-Roman, and to a lesser extent Judo) dominated the takedowns, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) dominated on the ground. As a result, people began focusing on these three.

MMA Description:
Most Sport MMA fighters fall into one of three general categories: the ground fighter, the wrestler, or the striker.

1. Ground Fighter  

The ground fighter is the closest to a "pure" grappler one finds in MMA nowadays. The ground fighter's strength is the ability to force a fight to the ground, where they then seek a fight-ending submission (joint locks or choke). While the ability to perform takedowns is integral to ground fighting strategy, a clean, powerful takedown is not as important to the ground fighter as it is to the wrestler.

2. Wrestler

The wrestler is a stand-up and striking on the ground oriented grappler, whose strength is usually the takedown. A common strategy of the wrestler is known as "ground and pound." This refers to the method of taking an opponent down, achieving a dominant ground position, and finishing the fight with strikes.

3. Striker  

The striker is also commonly known as the standup fighter, due to their preference to stay on their feet and win with a knockout. The strategy of the striker is called "sprawl and brawl". This refers to their focus on nullifying takedowns (the sprawl is the highest percentage defense to one of the more common entries to a takedown in wrestling, the shoot) in order to stay upright and exchange blows.

These categories should not be taken as exclusionary of other categories:


a) ground fighters learn at least the basics of wrestling to be able to take down people and the basics of striking to keep from getting KOed.

b) strikers learn enough wrestling to neutralize takedown and throw attempts and enough ground fighting to get back to their feet if they are taken down and

c) wrestlers learn enough ground fighting or striking to protect themselves in one of those areas and to be able to easily finish opponents with another.

On rare occasions, you will see fighters highly skilled (by MMA standards) in all three areas. These types of fighters are becoming increasingly common as the sport becomes more professional.

Instructor Noah ThomasMMA Training:
Training resembles boxing, wrestling, and BJJ training, but with a much smaller selection of technique (for instance, the BJJ spider guard is strongly de-emphasized in MMA, as are wrestling pins). There is also a focus on 'putting it together'
, using boxing to set up a takedown, how to take someone down while maintaining position for a submission, boxing on the ground, etc.
Street MMA may add weapon drills, awareness training, and changes in strategy.

MMA Sub-Styles:
Examples of Street MMA are the Dog Brothers style of martial arts sparring (full-contact stick fighting with limited to no protective gear and real sticks), Roy Harris school in San Diego, CA, and Frank Benn's school in Austin, TX. Reality Fighting and adrenal stress/scenario training (such as that done by Model Mugging/IMPACT, Tony Blauer, Peyton Quinn, etc. ) are also often large influences on many of these programs.



Academy Map

Η Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do βρίσκεται στην Αθήνα, στην διεύθυνση: Δήλου 9, Καισαριανή (κάθετα στην Φορμίωνος, σύνορα Βύρωνα-Καισαριανής). Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732 (Αγ. Φανούριος - Ακαδημία - Ζωοδ. Πηγή) (στάση 9η Φορμίωνος).

Επίσης πρόσβαση με την τοπική Δημοτική Συγκοινωνία του Δήμου Βύρωνα με το λεωφορείο
10 (Καρέας - Ντάνκαν) και το λεωφορείο 20 (Κουταλάς - Αγ. Λάζαρος) (στάση Φωκαίας).

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