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Jeet Kune Do

Filipino Kali

Kuntao Silat

Ομαδικά Τμήματα

Ιδιαίτερα Μαθήματα





Συχνές Ερωτήσεις


Φιλιππινέζικες Πολεμικές Τέχνες Αθήνα Ελλάδα



Panantukan Φιλιππινέζικη Πυγμαχία


Το Panantukan ανήκει στην ύλη του 7ου υποσυστήματος εκπαίδευσης στην Φιλιππινέζικη πολεμική τέχνη Kali. To 7ο υποσύστημα ονομάζεται Pangamut και περιλαμβάνει άοπλη εκπαίδευση σε πυγμαχία, λακτίσματα, χρησιμοποίηση αγκώνων και γονάτων, νευρικές καταστροφές, trapping σε όλο το σώμα, πάλη, κλειδώματα, χτυπήματα με τους πήχεις, με το κεφάλι κτλ.

Πιο συγκεκριμένα το 7ο υποσύστημα περιλαμβάνει τα εξής στοιχεία:
Panantukan (Φιλιππινέζικη πυγμαχία),
Pananjakman και Sikaran (Λακτίσματα),
Dumog και
Buno (Πάλη και λαβές),
Ankab-Pagkusi και Kina Mutai (Δαγκώματα, τσιμπήματα και γδαρσίματα),
Higot-Hubud-Lubud (Ασκήσεις ευαισθησίας και ελέγχου trapping).

Το Panantukan που είναι γνωστό και ως
Suntukan, δίνει έμφαση στην απόκτηση πυγμαχικών δεξιοτήτων (Attributes) και ανάπτυξη ικανότητας υλοποίησης των τεχνικών σε πραγματικές συνθήκες μάχης δρόμου (Street Fighting). Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται προοδευτικά μέσω προπονητικών γυμνασμάτων (Drills) που ονομάζονται Corto Kadena, τα οποία δίνουν έμφαση στην βελτίωση των αντανακλαστικών, στην ροή από τεχνική σε τεχνική, με ταχύτατο ρυθμό επίθεσης, με χρήση πυγμαχικών συνδυασμών, χτυπημάτων με παλάμες, χτυπημάτων με αγκώνες και τεχνικές νευρικών καταστροφών. Με στόχους τα μάτια, τον λαιμό, το ηλιακό πλέγμα, τα γεννητικά, την ουροδόχο κύστη, τα νεφρά και διάφορα πλήγματα σε νευρικούς στόχους και μαλακούς ιστούς...

Αν μπορούσαμε να περιγράψουμε το Panantukan με λίγα λόγια, ο ορισμός θα ήταν ότι το Panantukan περιλαμβάνει όλη την ύλη της κλασσικής Δυτικής Πυγμαχίας συν όλα τα χτυπήματα που απαγορεύονται στην πυγμαχία... Εξού και η ονομασία
Dirty Boxing που έχει δωθεί στο Panantukan...

Μία σημαντική διαφορά σε σχέση με την Δυτική Πυγμαχία, είναι ότι το Panantukan προέρχεται από την οπλοτεχνία του Kali και είναι σαν να πυγμαχεί κάποιος με μαχαίρια (Kali Blade), έτσι ο ασκούμενος στο Panantukan θέλει να διατηρήσει στο ελάχιστο την επαφή με τον αντίπαλο, η συμπλοκή να τερματιστεί στον μικρότερο δυνατό χρόνο και ο αντίπαλος να εξουδετερωθεί ουσιαστικά. Μην ξεχνάμε ότι η πυγμαχία είναι άθλημα και πιο συγκεκριμένα άθλημα με στρατηγική αντεπίθεσης, αποδοχής χτυπημάτων από τον αντίπαλο και ανταλλαγών χτυπημάτων με τον αντίπαλο, στο Panantukan τέτοιου είδους στρατηγική θεωρείται αυτοκτονική σε πραγματική συμπλοκή μάχης δρόμου...

Επίσης σε αντίθεση με την πυγμαχία ο ασκούμενος στο Panantukan δεν αντιμετωπίζει τον αντίπαλο ευθύγραμμα πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο, αλλά μέσω κινησιολογίας (Footwork) προσπαθεί να βρίσκεται συνεχώς σε θέση υπεροχής, πλάγια ή από πίσω από τον αντίπαλο...

Πολλά από τα προπονητικά γυμνάσματα του Panantukan διδάσκουν και την θεωρία του Trapping η οποία συσχετίζεται με τον στιγμιαίο μερικό έλεγχο και χαλιναγώγηση των μελών του αντιπάλου, ώστε ο αντίπαλος να βρεθεί σε μειονεκτική θέση, αποδομημένος και δεσμευμένος, ώστε οι επιθέσεις να είναι αποδοτικές!

Χαρακτηριστική στρατηγική του Panantukan αποτελούν οι καταστροφές των μελών του αντιπάλου (Limb Destructions). Κατά την διάρκεια εξέλιξης των χτυπημάτων του αντιπάλου (
Half-Beats) εκτελούνται χτυπήματα που προκαλούν νευρική παράλυση και αποδυνάμωση στα μέλη του αντιπάλου, για παράδειγμα χτύπημα με την πυγμή στον δικέφαλο του χεριού του αντιπάλου ή χτύπημα με την αιχμή του αγκώνα πάνω στα δάκτυλα και κόμπους της πυγμής του αντιπάλου!


Panantukan Filipino Dirty Boxing


Panantukan also known as Suntukan, refers to the empty handed boxing skills of Filipino Kali and consists of a wide variety of punches, open hand techniques elbow strikes and nerve destruction techniques. There are a large number of training drills which, when performed with a training partner develop the reflexes and tactile sensitivity. These methods of training are known as Corto Kadena which mean, close range chaining. These drills help develop the concept of "flowing" from technique to technique in a fast continuous flurry of attacks which target vulnerable areas of the body such as, the eyes, throat, solar plexus, groin, bladder, kidneys and various nerve and pressure point areas.

Many of the empty handed flow drills also teach the concept of trapping which involves manipulating an opponents attacking arms in such a way as they become "tied-up" thus rendering effective defense almost impossible. Trapping is a highly sophisticated skill requiring a high level of training.


It is similar to western boxing, but does not have the typical rules in western boxing, that were introduced in the 1800s and are now known as the "Queensbury Rules"; in other words, Panantukan is like dirty street boxing. The techniques derive from Kali (Filipino blade fighting), and are all unarmed, and primarily consist of striking techniques, punches, head butts, low kick to the legs, groin punches, etc. Panantukan prefers parry-type blocks, as it is not known during the middle of a fight, whether or not the opponent has a bladed weapon or not. Thus, emphasis is put on minimizing contact from the opponent, in other words, one does not "eat" punches or absorb them the way a western boxer would. A typical Panantukan technique would be an elbow to the head, or a low-angle side kick to the side of an opponent's leg, near the knee, designed to bring the opponent down immediately and end the fight by rendering the opponent injured and unable to continue to fight. Panantukan is normally not taught alone; instead it is simply part of the curriculum of an Eskrima or Kali school. Some Eskrima schools neglect this aspect almost completely, while a few schools have been set up solely to teach it (these are very rare). It is safe to say that Panantukan could not be used in a western boxing match, as most of the techniques would be considered illegal in western boxing.

Technically, it is very similar to other forms of kickboxing, using what works
(Bruce Lee integrated Panantukan into his interpretation of the martial arts - Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do). Since it is not a sport - but rather, a street-oriented survival system, the techniques have not been adapted for safety or conformance to a set of rules. Moreover, since it is a part of Eskrima, techniques tend to emphasize extreme caution and allow for the possibility that the opponent has a weapon.

There are basically 3 versions of the history of Panantukan:

1. Panantukan is a historical method that goes way back in the Philippines. It is empty hand work based upon the use of a knife, and therefore emphasizes evasiveness and lots of movement. Around the turn of the century western boxers were exposed to Panantukan and picked up on its biomechanics. This is said to be responsible for the transition from the old bare-knuckle style of boxing to what we now consider "modern" boxing.

2. Panantukan existed in the Philippines in a general sense if not outright, and had a similar powerbase as western boxing because, was based upon knife-fighting and evasiveness. As western boxing became more and more popular throughout the world, Panantukan players recognized the similarities and began to incorporate western boxing into what they were doing.

Guro Ted Lucaylucay3. What seems to be the most likely and the most plausible version is this: In more recent times, players that had learned both FMAs and western boxing came up with a general approach that combined both and came to be called Panantukan. I think one of the major contributors was likely Lucky Lucaylucay. He and his father were both competitive boxers in Hawaii. They of course also knew FMAs. Guro Dan Inosanto credits Lucky Lucaylucay with introducing Panantukan to his academy. I think it is likely that he was one of...if not the...key creator of the method. Again, as I stated before, its not a big stretch. Start with a thorough grounding in western boxing, and then start adding on principles and methods from Kali empty hands...limb destructions, zoning, body manipulations, knees, elbows, etc.....and you've got Panantukan.


People claimed that Panantukan did not exist and was just a sham put forth by charlatans. The main reasoning was that you don't find it in the Philippines, and that the term "Panantukan" simply refers to western boxing. Regardless of its status in the Philippines, it is a part of the curriculum of several of the biggest FMA academies in the US, and has several different videos and a book produced that cover it. This makes it legitimate in the states.

It seems that Panantukan was just a natural evolution for FMAs in the west. For westerners with an actual background in boxing, or even with no background other than growing up in our culture and seeing it all their lives, Panantukan comes more naturally and is the ideal way to make their boxing more "martial." From the perspective of FMA instructors, Panantukan is an excellent way to attract and appeal to westerners who might not otherwise be interested in martial arts. I think that too often Panantukan gets lost in a curriculum that includes JKD, Thai Boxing, Silat, etc. Most only know of it from vague references when training. They might go through a series of motions and the instructor comments "this comes from Panantukan," and then they're off and doing a JKD drill. Panantukan deserves to be taught in an organized fashion in its own right, separately and independent from the rest.


Panantukan ("Dirty Boxing") is the empty handed boxing component of Filipino Martial Arts. Many of the techniques and movements are derived from Eskrima/Kali (Filipino blade and stick fighting). The art primarily consists of upper-body striking techniques such as punches, elbows, head-butts, shoulder strikes, and groin punches, but it also includes low-line kicks and knee strikes to the legs, shins, and groin. Some camps choose to group this kicking aspect into the art of Pananjakman, which relies on kicking and only uses the arms defensively. Common striking targets include the biceps, triceps, the eyes, nose, jaws, temples, the back of the neck, the ribs, and spine, as well as the "soft tissue" areas in the body. Panantukan prefers parries and deflections over blocks, as it is not known whether or not the opponent has a bladed weapon. As such, emphasis is put on minimizing contact from the opponent (in other words, one does not "eat" punches or absorb them the way a Western boxer would). Panantukan is normally not taught alone; instead it is part of the curriculum of an Eskrima or Kali school. Some Eskrima schools neglect this aspect almost completely, while a few schools solely teach the boxing art, though this is quite rare.

Philosophically, it is very similar to other forms of street-oriented kickboxing in that it emphasizes practicality; Dan Inosanto, Bruce Lee's star pupil and partner, integrates aspects of panantukan into his interpretation of Lee's Jeet Kune Do, and many concepts from panantukan and the Filipino Martial Arts are found in several Jeet Kune Do Concepts systems today (such as Paul Vunak's PFS). Since it is not a sport but rather a street-oriented fighting system, the techniques have not been adapted for safety or conformance to a set of rules for competition, thus it has a reputation as "dirty street fighting".


Panantukan employs all the upper body weapons to neutralize an opponent. The art, traditionally practiced without gloves, allows the practitioner to employ various parts of his body (fist, forearm, elbow) to neutralize parts of the opponent's body. This is more commonly known as Limb Destructions. By striking various nerve points and muscle tissue, partial paralysis occurs in the affected limb, thereby making it useless in combat. However, Panantukan also employs other weapons such as the shoulder (for ramming) and the head (for striking). Strikes are also not limited to the limbs. The ribs, spine, and the back of the neck are all valid targets in this art. Its value is proven in the many techniques that are found in Eskrima, Arnis, Kali and other weapon based styles which are derived from Panantukan, the most common being the limb destruction.

Panantukan is the system used in the fight scenes of the Bourne Trilogy


Limb Destruction
Panantukan focuses on countering an opponent's strike with a technique that will nullify further attack by hitting certain nerve points, bones, and muscle tissue to cause immediate partial paralysis of the attacking limb. Common limb destructions include guiding incoming straight punches into the defending fighter's elbow to shatter the knuckles (secoh), or striking the incoming limb in the biceps to inhibit the opponent's ability to use that arm for the remainder of the fight (biceps destruction). Limb destructions in panantukan are also known as gunting techniques, named so for the scissors-like motions that describe how the practitioner isolates or stops the attacking limb from one side and executes the destruction from the other. Perhaps gunting more aptly refers to the bladed weapons aspect of Kali/Filipino Martial Arts in which these techniques were used to trap, cut, or sever the opponent's hands, forearms, and head. Whereas original Jeet Kune Do emphasizes intercepting incoming strikes, panantukan and Jeet Kune Do Concepts add destructions to the fighter's arsenal.

Body Manipulation
Panantukan uses arm wrenching, shoving, shoulder ramming, and other off-balancing techniques in conjunction with punches and kicks to push, twist and turn the opponent's body with the goal of exposing a more vulnerable area to strike, such as the neck, jaw and temples. An example technique could include trapping the attacker's arm and quickly yanking it down to bring the attacker's head down and forward, exposing him to a head butt or knee strike to the head. Panantukan borrows techniques from Dumog, the Filipino upright wrestling art, for most body manipulations.

Angles and Switching Leads
Practitioners of panantukan often use the angles outlined in Kali to evade and parry incoming strikes and to attack the opponent from an outside angle where he is less able to defend against strikes. Practitioners constantly switch fighting leads to exploit different angles of attack and to maintain flow. The fighter will often use a finishing strike or kick in a combination to step into the new lead. Footwork is of upmost importance for these techniques, and as such, fighters generally invest much time into practicing Kali stick fighting drills and combinations.

Speed, Flow and Rhythm
Panantukan emphasizes speed in striking, with the intent of overwhelming the adversary with a flurry of attacks. Practitioners will rarely cease striking, opting to string together indefinite combinations of sometimes radically differing strikes and body manipulations to make successful defense a relative impossibility. Such a strategy is also employed in
Jeet Kune Do "straight blast" and the Muay Thai elbow "blitz".

Another central concept in panantukan is “flow”. Flow is achieved through using speed to quickly and continuously execute strikes and maneuvers, through switching leads and angling to expose new angles and lines of attack, and through the ability to perform a strike from multiple angles and positions. A practitioner may throw a punch or kick from any angle (high, low, overhead, underhand, back fist, hammer fist, etc) in order to maintain his offense; the fighter does not "reset" himself after each strike or combination and thus denies the opponent an easy opening for a counterattack.

As with the other combat arts of the Philippines, panantukan has a close connection to the tribal rhythm of the drum, and it often pays mind to beat and tempo. In panantukan, the rhythm can be broken or changed to the advantage of the commanding fighter. The goal is to "
steal the beats” or interrupt the rhythm of the opponent, exploiting the opponent's chances for attack to initiate a counterattack. This concept differentiates panantukan from most of Western sport boxing, which relies on the steady exchange of blows, covers, evasions, and counter-punches to establish the fight's cadence.

Many strikes in panantukan are said to be performed on "
half-beats", or in between the major strikes of a combination, so as to disorient and overwhelm an opponent, increasing the opportunity for more devastating strikes. An example of this could be performing a swift slap or eye strike after throwing a jab with the same hand in a standard jab-cross-hook combination; the eye strike both disrupts the defense against and masks the incoming cross. Additionally, low-line kicks often come in on the “half-beats” in between boxing combinations to further injure and disorient the opponent.

Close association with Weaponry
While panantukan is designed to allow an unarmed practitioner to engage in both armed and unarmed confrontations, it easily integrates the use of small weapons such as daggers, wooden slivers, and palmsticks. These weapons give a potentially fatal edge to many of panantukan's already brutal techniques, but do not fundamentally change how the techniques are executed. Daggers used in panantukan tend to be small, easily concealed and unobtrusive, and alternative designs such as the claw-shaped kerambit are often preferred.

Training Basics

Shadow Boxing
Shadow boxing serves many purposes to our training. It offers a chance to warm up the muscles, get the body coordinated and the mind focused. It is a tool for self analyzation of movement. Feeling our way through techniques repeatedly increases muscle memory and smoothes transitions from techniques and combinations. Every technique used can be shadow boxed against an imaginary target. Creativity and visualization are utilized and developed as we express our techniques.

Individual technique and

Partner training
Every technique and combination that is shadow boxed can be used with a partner. Although care must be taken not to strike or injure our partners. To aid in approximating an actual target and simulate an opponent, drills are done with a feeder and a responder. Particular responses are developed against various attacks and counters. Having a moving partner gives us the feel and tactile reinforcement that helps develop more realistic technique.

Focus mitt training
The same techniques and combinations used above are repeated but with the addition of focus mitts and bag gloves we can actually have our partner hold for techniques we can hit with force. The drills with focus mitts closely resemble the partner drills with some deviation for safety and economy of motion. This are of training is where we can cut loose and really go at it.

Basic Attacks/Defences
Boxing hand strikes, with an emphasis on non gloved techniques: Rick Faye has described the techniques of Panantukan as "
everything that is in western boxing and everything that is illegal(not allowed) in boxing". The art is a loosely systematic method of street fighting. I use the term "loosely" because we are not taught regimented classes that progress with belts, katas and such. Rick teaches the individual techniques, puts them together in drills that are designed to teach offense and defense, accounting for the free hands, and utilizing body position manipulation for advantage and strong follow up or finishes. It is not a sport in the western sense. Though it is said that in the Philippines they consider it more sport oriented than say, Kali knife fighting because no one is getting cut!

hair pulling
head push/manipulation
eye gouging, ear rake or slap
elbows, knees, foot stomp, head butts
Escala footwork, many variations
mphasis on both leads, switching leads
in response to opponent, avoidance or better attacking angle
to position opponent in a causal manor-proactive-shove into advantageous position


bud (close range striking and parrying drills) trains a reflex response to stimuli of varying angles and pressure.
with punch to catch, left and right side

A. catch on inside, pull to outside (shoulder), push / thrust. partner wedges, pats and now punches with opposite hand.

B. option to push / thrust: as arm extends grab and elbow break pat and punch. (or elbow biceps, backhand, wedge, pat and punch;

C. catch, elbow fist, backhand, wedge, pat and hit.
with punch to parry inside, outside
wedge switch
high-low wedge switch
arm drag inside, outside
elbows feed repeating elbows each side


Gunting (scissoring destructions, stop hits)
Other destructions
Raking elbow: Used to snap across target
Jamming elbow: Combination of elbow and cover, a salute movement; attacks limbs, chest, or head
Body manipulations
Arm drag/dumag
Head push/rotate
Hair pulling
Foot stomp/push
Destructions in conjunction with above or intercepting (elbow, knees)

Basic Combinations
Basic Combinations (
done in both leads): Usually consist of individual techniques linked together like the notes of a song, played in both left and right lead. Different pieces are strong together to simulate different reactions or counters. Most techniques are shadow boxed to give a good warm up and familiarize the movements then the same (or as similar as possible) movements are punched out on the focus mitts.
Jab, Cross, Hook x2
Jab, Cross, Uppercut x2
Jab, Cross, Body Hook x2
Jab, Cross, Backfist
(or hammer fist, knife hand, etc.) with step through, Cross, Hook, Cross x2

Basic Gunting Combinations
Outside Gunting
Catch the Jab, Outside Gunting the inside of the Cross; Cross, Hook, Cross
Catch the Jab, Outside Gunting the inside of the Cross; Backfist and step forward(lead switch), Cross, Hook, Cross
Repeat with Elbow at end of sequence. Thrown from the lead arm.
After the Gunting the lead arm snaps into a lead Elbow. I.e. left lead, left elbow. Then Cross, Hook, Cross.

Second sequence, after gunting step out and new lead arm does a "waslik" (throw the arm away) and brushes off same side limb, and snaps across with an elbow followed by a lead backfist then Cross, Hook, Cross
Catch the Jab, Outside gunting the inside of the Cross; Lead gunting hand captures limb and salute/elbow the limb(wrist, forearm, biceps, shoulder), chest or face. The more traditional combination elbows the biceps, followed by a scoop and uppercut, a pull and backfist, and Cross, Hook, Cross.

Outside to Inside Guntings
Outside gunting to the jab, Inside gunting to the cross, lead backfist(or eye thumb, face push, arm check, etc) and cross, hook, cross. x2(switch leads)

Basic Combinations Versus the Upper Cut
elbow / forearm parries on same side (take on elbow for intercepting destruction, can be used like an intercepting hook-jab so that fist hits to body while arm takes deflection, or just deflect) Followed by "hand in" to manipulate head. The last checking hand raises to opposite side of opponents face, ideally palm up( if it just checked the Upper Cut it already is) so that crook of wrist/thumb matches nicely at jaw line, and push for head manipulation. Although as usual it doesn't have to be an upward facing "hand in". It can be a back hand hammer fist to face or neck, a forearm smash to same, a karate chop, whatever works.
Forearm parry on same side followed by scoop to opposite side (your hand is already half way there!) followed by uppercut, elbow to biceps into lead backfist, rear cross, hook, cross. It's sooo pretty!

The stifle is a simple drop of your hand to catch the incoming upper cut followed by an immediate punch. It doesn't have to stop it necessarily stop it altogether, just prevent it from connecting. The upward inertia of the uppercut helps throw your hand back up into the opponents face. It should look like it almost bounces down and across to the target.
Alternating stifle and hit on same side, followed by lead backfist, cross-hook-cross.
Alternating cross stifle and hit on opposite side.


Panantukan Curriculum

A. Boxing
1. Boxing strikes 1-8
1. jab- 2.cross- 3.L-H hook-4. R-L hook-5.L-L hook- 6.R overhead 7.L uppercut 8. R uppercut

B. Evasion Concepts
1. bobbing 2. weaving 3. ducking 4. slipping 5. distance

C. Footwork
1. step slide 2. slide step 3. step through 4. side stepping 5. circling 6. stationary to stationary 7. step to stationary 8. stationary to step 9. step to step 10. zoning 11. pivot to Rt.-Lt. 12. Triangle stepping male/female

D. Defensive concepts
1. catch 2. cover 3. chuffing 4. hooking 5. patting 6. elbow-in 7. wedge 8. cutting 9. intercepting 10. destructions 11. sweeps 12. throws

E. Four Door Defensive Concepts
You and your partner throwing punches back and forth, using 1-2/4-5 combinations
1. catch the jab and follow with a cross
2. Parry the cross and follow with a jab
3. Elbow-in block follow with a uppercut
4. Elbow-in block follow with a uppercut

F. Distance Defense
1. Parry hit 2. Position blocking hit 3. evasiveness hit 4. intercepting hit 5. R hand over hit 6. L hand under hit

G. Attacking Angles
1. direct 2. angular 3. immobilization 4. combination 5. drawing 6. indirect

H. Range
kicking 2. punching 3. trapping 4. grappling 5. weapons
Filipino ranges: 1. Largo mano 2. Fraille 3. Tabon 4. Punyo

1. Developing fighting measure; or distance with opponent, follow opponents footwork. And stay within your range you fell comfortable.
2. Mirror Drill; as soon as your partner steps forward , you enter to attack something for kicking distance. This is a higher level of fighting strategy.
3. Sensitivity Drills; from the bridge or asking hand partner slaps inside forearm, apply circle backfist counter, partner slaps outside of forearm counter with a hinge backfist. with pulling hand trap.
4. Cue Drills; The development of Cue drills should give you a different way to react to a reposite or attack, each time. So you’re not just moving through the drill not thinking.
Example; De cadena, or first stage Huego y Retirada (hit and run) second stage
Abecedario (blocking first then hitting) the third stage Alto y Baho (hight and low hitting) with or without blocking.
5. Higot-Hubad-Lubad; Inside stop, outside passing, circling hand, the wave inside to outside, adding all the strikes with parries at different angles- place checks for punches for outside and inside with checking of the rear hand as well!
6. Four count Kali hands or (Tapi-Tapi); Outside and inside arm, adding finger jabs on each count. Adding destructions (guntings) Controlling (dumog) Immobilizations (Kuni or Trancada) Knees and elbows (Siko-Tuhod) Kicking (paa) or anything you want to free lance.

Free Form Panantukan
Lead hand concepts:
1. Lead hand Drill #1; Stance: both in a (right foot lead throughout all drills), Partner delivers straight Vertical punch, you counter with a lead hand back of the hand parry, and follow with a return vertical punch back. your partner does the same flow back. This is the basic flow for both partners. You can practice striking to the back of the hand as it comes out at you.
2. Lead hand Drill #2; Same vertical punch drill adding a left hand check of the forearm or elbow then return punch back
b. adding a punch and bend elbow return to the head or ribs
c. adding a punch, and knee to thigh
d. adding a punch, elbow and knee
3. Lead hand Drill #3; Same vertical punch drill, and change body angles using the triangle footwork.
4. Lead hand Drill #4; Same vertical punch drill and follow with a defensive side kick to the knee
5. Lead hand Drill #5; moving into the inside of the arm, working the same concepts on the inside of the arm
6. Lead hand Drill #6; Same vertical punch drill, but you counter the punch and grab the wrist, deliver left elbow destruction to triceps on the inside deliver an elbow strike to the bicep.
7. Lead hand Drill# 7; Same vertical punch drill, with push inward to elbow and move to double hand waist grab, attempt to lead leg sweep. Partners counters rear belt grab and sprawl backward to position.
8. Lead hand Drill #8; Put all the drills together and work on counter for counters



Panantukan Fighting Tactics
1. Cutting and jamming; used against an opponents attack you will use hands, elbows, forearms, to jam at the root of the punch or kick. Being the shoulders and hips or knees. Useful as set ups for takedowns for entries to leverage throws and sweeps.
2. Wedge traps; used against roundhouse blows, uppercuts or type kicks.
3. Scooping traps; snake move to circle block, and trap the limb. Snake meaning to circle around the limb, be it a punch or kick.
4. Elbow and knee traps; primarily used for roundhouse blows, and many times used with wedge traps.
5. Forearm and body traps; across chest, across midsection to hold or trap the limb like a vise or scissors.
6. Throwing; use angle, leverage, base, grab appendages hands, arms, head etc.
7. Angles; using horizontal, vertical, diagonal, angles will determine direction of throw, steps-using four stepping drill for your base. Step to outside of foot, on foot, inside foot, in front of foot. Use natural sweeping motions.
8. After limb is grabbed; use dropping, trapping, tripping, sweeping, flipping, lifting, scooping, throwing, stretching, striking, or any combination.
9. Size and style; a larger opponent is easier to control a smaller opponent. A smaller exponent needs to evade their larger opponent, using flowing skills to evade, to takedown. Takedowns must have a sense of calmness and awareness. If you can flinch you can block and react to an attack. Perception of your opponent’s moves will give you the timing and training will give you the counters. Filipino Arts requires this.
10. Perception; see opponent's actions extrapolate or evaluate your plan your attack by the angle of attack.
11. Follow ups; Strikes, throws or controlling techniques with footwork, hand placement, contact points. New knowledge perceived of angles, using base and leverage to counter your opponent.
12. Analyze opponent’s force and make a choice:
a. Control his momentum
b. Grab his arm or leg
c. Jam and counter strike

All of these concepts and principles are working for you if you train in them, it's not the techniques but how you apply the principles and concepts that make them work. You should develop a free flowing non-thinking mind. When you see the attack you just move like a shadow and counter.

Drilling is the key to developing any reaction, The more a skill is repeated the more firmly established it becomes. Proficiency is dependent upon repetition. There are many Panantukan drills here to learn and develop, use these principles and concepts and develop yourself.

Panantukan Jab-Cross Series #1
Feeder jabs, you parry with your right hand, feeder crosses you:
1. Parry inside gunting left elbow to sternum, eye wipe, throat jab, shove cross, hook, cross
2. Parry inside gunting right elbow to sternum, hack neck, cross, uppercut, cross
3. Parry inside with left hand shove, cross, hook, cross
4. Parry inside gunting to hack neck with right hand, cross, uppercut, cross
5. Parry outside gunting swing arm to shove, cross, hook, cross
6. Parry outside gunting to swing arm to hack neck with right hand, uppercut, cross, hook
7. Parry outside gunting to left elbow to shove, cross, hook, cross
8. Parry outside gunting to right elbow to hack neck, uppercut, cross, uppercut

Panantukan Jab-Cross Series #2
1. Parry
Scissor gunting, to backfist, they block, you lop sao and backfist to the arm uppercut to chin follow with cross-hook-cross
2. Parry Scissor gunting, they block you lop sao backfist to the arm move hand under chin to raise and push back to cross.
3. Parry Scissor gunting, they block, you lop sao, and uppercut, grab inside of arm and hook with the other hand
4. Parry Scissor gunting they block you lop sao and uppercut to arm tuck behind neck, to double hand hold to knee to face:
a. one hand hold
b. close leg
c. far leg with silo sitting position

5. Parry Scissor gunting, they block, you lop sao, uppercut, to tuck behind head, spin to standing branch up position. a. take them to the ground
6. Parry to Split entry to backwards trip
7. Parry
to Split entry to pull arm in to back entry pull down to knee on face
8. Waslik to backfist
9. Vertical gunting, upward, horizontal
10. Vertical gunting to uppercut
11. Scissors gunting to hammerfist
12. Hoblibut to backfist to bicep, waslik to hook bicep, uppercut to tricep, elbow
13. Chop/trap to wrist to elbow to bicep
14. Low punch to body parry to backfist to bicep
15. Vertical elbow Rt.-Lt. hands to fist
16. Vertical elbow with eye jab
17. Horizontal elbow to fist
18. Horizontal elbow to fist with eye jab
19. Knuckle to Knuckle
20. Knee to fist, a. knee to fist with kick
21. Taguyo- Sway back
22. Spit entry raise punch straight upward to chin, a raking punch
23. Spit entry shoulder in arm pit
24. Spit entry uppercut, grab arm and hook deltoid, upward elbow inside
25. Spit entry, cut the chicken

a. hook inside

b. hook outside
26. Inside gunting, backfist, uppercut, hook, hammer
27. Split entry with under hook arm pull and hit
28. Split entry with over hook arm, pull and hit


The Panantukan Jabbing Drills
Drill #1 (basic drill)
You and your partner are facing each other the a left lead fighting stance. You will begin the drill be taking turns throwing jabs it each other. Begin by using a rear hand palm catch of the jab. Using a three count beat (1-2-3)
Drill #2 (footwork)
Begin moving around in a circle with this same (1-3) movement, then reverse the direction and go the other way with it. Begin to using a cross pattern step forward, step backward, step to right side, step to left side, Then begin on your triangle footwork, changing leads from left jab, to right jab. This is a very good way to get warmed-up for training.
Drill #3 (uppercut/hook)
With the same drill we will be adding an uppercut to the arm or deliver a hooking type blow to the bicep, Example: so you jab, your partner jabs, you jab and your partner hooks or uppercuts your arm. Then you begin the drill over your partner jabs, you jab, your partner jabs, and you hook or uppercut the arm.
Drill #4 (cross)
Next add a high right cross, Example: your partner jabs, you jab, your partner jabs, you follow the jab with a right cross.
Drill #5 (split block)
Next apply a split block, and jab to the body a (split block) is a outside parry the jab and jab inside of the attacking hand.
Drill #6 (low cross)
Next add a low cross to the body, then back the the drill
Drill #7 (combination)
Next add a rear hand uppercut, hook, cross
This are just some of the drills within the Filipino art the Panantukan


Kali Gunting Concepts
Destructions (guntings) to the arms:
1. Inside Gunting
2. Outside Gunting
3. Horizontal Gunting
4. Vertical Gunting
5. Fist to
Elbow gunting

Inside gunting is delivered with either a backfist of hammerfist to the bicep area, or any strike with the hand to the inside of the arm as it is thrown at you.
Outside gunting is delivered with the outer forearm bone or elbow, and using the same techniques as the inside gunting.
Horizontal gunting is delivered at the arm as it is thrown at you, you use a scissors type of movement and strike the hand with the door knuckers, hammerfist, first two knuckles.
Vertical gunting is delivered with an upward motion to the tricep with the first two knuckles of the fist.
Fist to Elbow gunting is delivered by you guiding the punch into the bent elbow of your arm, it can be vertically or horizontally delivered.

The follow ups for the guntings are many but I will list a few

1. Eye jabs with the left or right hand
2. Backfist
3. Elbows
4. Knees
5. Low line kicking
6. Sweeping
7. Throwing


Academy Map

Η Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do βρίσκεται στην Αθήνα, στην διεύθυνση: Δήλου 9, Καισαριανή (κάθετα στην Φορμίωνος, σύνορα Βύρωνα-Καισαριανής). Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732 (Αγ. Φανούριος - Ακαδημία - Ζωοδ. Πηγή) (στάση 9η Φορμίωνος).

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