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Jeet Kune Do

Filipino Kali

Kuntao Silat

Ομαδικά Τμήματα

Ιδιαίτερα Μαθήματα





Συχνές Ερωτήσεις




Rapid Assault Tactics

Τακτικές Ταχείας Επίθεσης


Το σύστημα RAT (Rapid Assault Tactics) αναπτύχθηκε από τον Paul Vunak την δεκαετία του '80, ειδικά για τους U.S. Navy Seals Team-6 (ομάδα υποβρυχίων καστροφών των ΗΠΑ) ως το κύριο πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης μάχης σώμα με σώμα των ειδικών δυνάμεων, βασιζόμενο στις θεωρίες της πολεμικής τέχνης Jeet Kune Do, της τέχνης που δημιούργησε ο θρυλικός Bruce Lee...

Σε αυτό που διαφέρει το RAT από οποιαδήποτε άλλη πολεμική τέχνη ή σύστημα είναι η έννοια (concept) του Straight Blast (Αλυσιδωτές Γροθιές). Μέσω του Straight Blast διαταράσσεται η βάση και η ισορροπία του αντιπάλου, λειτουργεί ως εξισωτικό εργαλείο για την αντιμετώπιση ενός μεγαλύτερου αντιπάλου από εμάς και οδηγεί σε γρήγορη και αποδοτική χρήση καστροφικών τεχνικών όπως:
HKE (Κεφαλιές, Γονατιές, Αγκωνιές) και Kina Mutai (δαγκώματα, χτυπήματα στα μάτια, σπασίματα δακτύλων και τσιμπήματα) για την εξουδετέρωση του αντιπάλου...

Το RAT είναι ίσως το πιο αποδοτικό, πρακτικό και αποτελεσματικό σύστημα σύγχρονης αυτοάμυνας και επιβίωσης, ιδανικό για την αντιμετώπιση περιστατικών βίαιης συμπλοκής και αυτοάμυνας για άνδρες και γυναίκες! To RAT διαφέρει ριζικά από άλλα κλασσικά συστήματα υποτιθέμενης “ρεαλιστικής” αυτοάμυνας όπου η εκμάθηση γίνεται με απομίμηση στείρων τεχνικών, με ανούσια εξάσκηση σε στημένες τεχνικές και σενάρια με προκαθορισμένες κινήσεις που δεν ανταποκρίνονται στην σκληρή πραγματικότητα της απρόβλεπτης βίας και επιθέσεων στο δρόμο...

Paul Vunak & Vagelis ZorbasΤο RAT είναι σχεδιασμένο για την
επιβίωση και την αυτοσυντήρηση (survival & self-preservation) και είναι ιδανικό όταν μία κατάσταση έχει κλιμακωθεί, όπου διακυβεύεται άμεσα η σωματική ακεραιότητα και η ζωή, και μοναδική επιλογή είναι η χρήση καταστροφικών τεχνικών για την διατήρηση της ζωής!

Το κύριο μέρος του συστήματος RAT συσχετίζεται με την απόκτηση προηγμένης τεχνικής και θεωρητικής γνώσης στο
ΠΩΣ και ΠΟΤΕ χρησιμοποιούνται οι κεφαλιές, οι γονατιές και οι αγκωνιές (head butts, knees & elbows – HKE). Η εξάσκηση γίνεται με απόλυτα ασφαλή και προοδευτικό τρόπο για τον ασκούμενο, με πρώτο στόχο την βελτίωση της εγρήγορσής του και ψυχολογικής ετοιμότητάς του και με δεύτερο και απότερο σκοπό την εξοικείωσή του με τις τεχνικές και την ρεαλιστική εφαρμογή τους μέσα σε στρεσογόνο και μη συγκαταβατικό περιβάλλον μάχης!


To RAT βασίζεται σε 3 θεμελιώδεις αρχές:
Entry (Είσοδος - Εμπλοκή)
Pressure (Πίεση)
Resolution – Termination of conflict (Απεμπλοκή – Τερματισμός της συμπλοκής)

1.Entry (Είσοδος - Εμπλοκή)
Ο Bruce Lee συνειδητοποίησε ότι ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να αποφύγει κάποιος την συνεχή ανταλλαγή χτυπημάτων με τον αντίπαλο είναι η αναχαίτιση (
interception), δηλαδή άμεσα χτυπήματα στον πρωταρχικό χρόνο επίθεσης του αντιπάλου (με χτύπημα πχ. στα μάτια ή στα γεννητικά όργανα) για να προκληθεί πόνος και τραυματισμός, έτσι ώστε να αποδιοργανωθεί και να μειωθεί η αξιομαχητικότητα του αντιπάλου, για να γίνει η εμπλοκή (κλείσιμο απόστασης) με πιο ασφαλή τρόπο, όπου είναι η βασική θεωρία στην πολεμική τέχνη Jeet Kune Do. Ο Paul Vunak πρόσθεσε για την αντιμετώπιση στον δευτερεύοντα χρόνο επίθεσης του αντιπάλου, "καταστροφές" (destructions) από την Φιλιππινέζικη πολεμική τέχνη Kali (Filipino Kali), δηλαδή χτυπήματα σε σημεία νεύρων και πάνω στα μέλη του αντιπάλου για την πρόκληση πόνου και αποδυνάμωσης.

2.Pressure (Πίεση)
Όλες οι πολεμικές τέχνες ανεξαιρέτως βασίζονται στην ύπαρξη μίας ισορροπημένης βάσης του σώματος για την αποδοτική παραγωγή βαλλιστικής κίνησης, αυτό που ανακάλυψε ο Bruce Lee είναι ότι όταν το σώμα κινείται προς το πίσω (το βάρος είναι στις φτέρνες) τότε εξαλείφεται η αξιομαχητικότητα του αντιπάλου, αυτό επιτυγχάνεται μέσω του
Straight Blast (Αλυσιδωτές Γροθιές). Η θεωρία προέρχεται από την πολεμική τέχνη Wing Chun και ονομάζεται Jik Chun Choy, ο Bruce Lee την τροποποιήσε ολοκληρωτικά για τις ανάγκες της τέχνης του Jeet Kune Do, κάνοντας την πιο αποδοτική σε μία κινητική βάση και ουσιαστικά πιο εύχρηστη.

3.Resolution – Termination of conflict (Απεμπλοκή – Τερματισμός της συμπλοκής)
Η γρήγορη απεμπλοκή και ο τερματισμός της εμπλοκής είναι το κύριο μέλημα στο σύστημα του RAT, όσο επιμηκύνεται ο χρόνος συμπλοκής η έκβαση δυσχεραίνεται, σκοπός είναι η πρόκληση γρήγορων και καταλυτικών τραυματισμών, μηχανικές δυσλειτουργίες στο ανθρώπινο σώμα και ψυχολογική αποδιοργάνωση για την εύκολη και ασφαλή διαφυγή. Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται μέσω χρήσης
HKE σε 3 επίπεδα παράλληλα (High, Medium, Low).

Το RAT δεν είναι ακριβώς μία απλή μαχητική τεχνική, αλλά είναι κυρίως η συνειδητοποίηση και κατανόηση των φάσεων μίας μάχης. Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι εμπλέκονται σε μία μάχη δρόμου (
Street Fighting) χωρίς να έχουν ένα σχέδιο και στρατηγική. Απλώς μάχονται μέχρι κάποιος να νικήσει, να χάσει ή να διαφύγει... Με αυτόν τον τρόπο αφήνουν την κατάσταση στον παράγοντα τύχη... Εάν κάποιος εμπλακεί σε μία μάχη με ένα ξεκάθαρο και αποτελεσματικό σχέδιο (Entry, Pressure, Termination) τότε αυξάνονται σημαντικά οι πιθανότητες επιτυχούς έκβασης της συμπλοκής!


Rapid Assault TacticsRapid Assault Tactics or "The R.A.T." system, made famous by Paul Vunak, can best be described as a way of bringing forth the most violence, using the most barbaric weapons, to effectively defend ones' life in the most efficient and safest manner possible. The RAT enables average men and women to quickly defend themselves against a larger aggressor bent on your destruction.

This system of brutal combat has been taught to members of the DEA, SWAT, Army Rangers, Police, FBI, and other elite units whose lives are in danger in many instances.

The RAT System is about
survival or self-preservation, and is ideal when a situation has escalated where your life is threatened and the only option is to use the most lethal tools to preserve your life. The central core of this program involves knowing how and when to use head butts, knees and elbows (HKE). 

The curriculum is as follows:
 - Training the lethal tools: HKE or head butts, knees and elbows
 - Drilling HKE, how to tie it all together to achieve the desired result
 - Functionalizing HKE, training the tools in an alive manner against full resistance through the use of impact gear

It has three basic concepts:
1. Entry
2. Pressure
3. Resolution/Termination of conflict

RAT isn't really so much a fighting technique, though, as it is an understanding of the phases of the fight. Most people enter into a fight with no plan. They just fight until someone runs away, wins, or drops. That's leaving too much up to chance. If you go into a fight with a set plan (entry, pressure, termination) your chances of success goes up greatly.


The scope of the training conducted usually includes but is not limited to:

1. Training Methodologies - numerous drills designed to develop the attributes necessary to execute the techniques learned; as well as to control ones emotions when the fight-or-flight mechanism is triggered

2. Weapons - training in the use and defense of the knife and stick; the same streamlined approach as taught to the US Navy SEALs and other elite government agencies

a) Stick fighting
. It is one more aspect to our weapons program and is essentially the same curriculum that is taught to the SEAL's, DEA, FBI, etc. 

Curriculum for this weapon is as follows:
 -Learning the fundamental angles of attack
 -Learning fundamental drills
 -Functionalizing the techniques learned against:
a. One Aggressor
b. Multiple Aggressors
c. Against a Knife wielder
d. Against a Stick wielder 

The emphasis of this weapon's program is to be able to pick up a similar weapon and adapt it in a self-preservation moment. The student will be introduced to the sparring aspects of stick fighting in progressions. This is the only way that one can test and measure the extent of their familiarization with the stick.

b) Knife fighting. Our knife program is continually evolving to the degree that the focus is less on "Knife fighting" per say and more on dealing with common "Knife assaults." It is essentially the same curriculum that is taught to the SEAL's, DEA, FBI, etc, except with some groundbreaking differences where Knife vs. Empty hands from the close quarter is emphasized.

A knife assault is probably the single most dangerous threat that one can encounter, which is why the curriculum is comprised of sound principles relating to defending against this weapon. We strongly feel that our approach is unique to that of other existing knife programs because we continue to address this area with realistic goals and expectations. Make no mistake, the single best option when confronted is to always run and avoid the confrontation!

Curriculum for this weapon is as follows:
 - Learning the fundamental angles of attack
 - Learning fundamental drills
 - Functionalizing the techniques learned against:
a. One Aggressor
b. Multiple Aggressors
c. Against a Knife wielder
d. Against a Stick wielder
 - Real Close Quarter Knife Self-Preservation
 - Fighting from the Clinch Range

One of the emphasis of this weapon's program is to be able to pick up a similar weapon and adapt it in a self-preservation moment. The student will be introduced to some the sparring aspects of knife fighting in progressions. Again, we will be emphasizing defending against rather than sparring the knife attack. This is the only way that one can test and measure the extent of their familiarization with the knife.

c) Improvised Weapons (IW)
. It can be taught as a stand alone skill or it can be integrated within the RAT (Rapid Assault Tactics) matrix. 

The curriculum is as follows:
 -IW within a home environment   
 -IW outside environment
 -IW in a public place, examples: restaurant, convenient store, etc.   
 -Functionalizing IW, training the IW in an alive manner against full resistance through the use of impact gear

Guro Paul Vunak3. Mass Attacks - life saving principles and important concepts relating to this area of assault involving multiple aggressors. Mass Attacks is an area of self-preservation that one should never hope to fall victim to. In this most dangerous attack, the options are few and the best tactical response is mobility. The violence in today's streets have changed and one of the most preferred forms of violence by street punks is to attack in numbers. It is a sure fire way to gain the upper hand when the intentions are to seriously hurt someone.

Unfortunately, many traditional martial arts approach this area unrealistically and the results are predictable: you will get seriously hurt, possibly killed. At the Academy of Jeet Kune Do Fighting Technology, we give this area of
self-preservation serious attention because of the nature of these types of personal attacks.

The curriculum is based on one of mobility, using the most lethal tools, improvised weapons and other means.

4. HKE or “Head
Butts, Knees & Elbows” - the core of the RAT; tools employed when a person is engaged in a life threatening situation and self-preservation becomes necessary.

5. Ground
Grappling & Ground Fighting - positional control, submissions and reversals; concepts of disengaging from grappling situations to maintain control, mobility and balance. Grappling skills are taught to deal with any type of grappling that may arise in a street fighting situation. We develop skills that can be utilized in standup or ground grappling. The Grappling Arts contain a myriad of training drills which enhance or develop physical attributes such as speed, sensitivity, power, coordination, timing, endurance, footwork, evasiveness, etc. We use the art of grappling to develop skill in applying arm, foot, wrist, head, neck locks, etc.  

There are two ways we teach the ground game. One is strictly from a
self-perfection perspective which is sportive in nature. Meaning, that students have elected to learn the various locks, submissions, positioning, reversals, etc, for pure enjoyment and conditioning. 

The other way is the Rapid Assault Tactics ground fighting approach. This involves a different sort of dedication, where everything taught is meant for
self-preservation only. The aim here is to disengage a grappling confrontation before it proceeds further, but not before initiating all the brutality that may be necessary for one's escape.  

Training with gear is the usual norm and is the only way to fully apply and functionalize all the skills that will ensure one's survival. Remember, if you are simulating this aspect of martial arts training, be prepared to suffer the consequences of such ill-preparedness. Train like you fight and you will no doubt fight like you train. 

Some training methods and techniques, from various grappling arts, have their way into our curriculum, such as: Brazilian Jujitsu, Dumog, Catch-as-Catch Can, Greco, Judo, Shoot Wrestling, etc. It is unfortunate that some martial artists believe that it is unlikely a street fight will end up going to the ground, but in the words of Paul Vunak, "
Fights mutate...", and we have to be prepared to survive in that range just in case we end up there. Train realistically and increase your chances of surviving.


Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do Αθήνα Ελλάδα


Angelo Dundee, trainer of the legendary Muhammad Ali, once proclaimed, "The first-est with the most-est is the best-est!" It seems he understood that perhaps the single most important attribute one could possess in an all-out street fight is the ability to overwhelm one's opponent.

And by "overwhelm" I mean not just physically blasting through someone, but overwhelming him emotionally as well. This means that we are going to rattle this opponent: cause him to flinch, shut his eyes, cover up, and perhaps turn away. Once this occurs, the rest of the fight gets exponentially easier.

The difficulty of any street fight lies in that zone where both fighters are trading blows. This is when you are most vulnerable, especially if your opponent is larger and stronger. The ability to "turn on" a sudden burst of firepower, assaulting your opponent as rapidly as possible, is an indispensable attribute.

The principles of
Rapid Assault Tactics come directly from Bruce Lee. Although he never formally promoted this systematic approach to an altercation (it just came naturally to him), we have only to examine his tactics when he considered a fight to be serious to see these principles in action. One of Bruce Lee's greatest assets was his ability to begin an encounter in a seemingly completely state of relaxation, and then suddenly erupt in movement and almost too fast for the eye to see.

In a fight, Lee would intercept his opponent before he could even finish launching his blow. This interception would typically be a quick shot to the eyes, knees, or groin and would generally prevent any trading of blows. He would then follow up with a modified version of wing chun's straight blast - a series of straight vertical punches rolling down the opponent's centerline. This would happen so quickly that the opponent would end up flapping his arms and back-pedaling furiously, sometimes on one leg. Lee jokingly used to refer to the helpless recipient of the powerful straight blast as a "wounded crane."

When a person is on the receiving end of a straight blast one thing is certain: He has no base and no balance, two mandatory factors for any style to be effective, The art of wing chun was developed by a woman, undoubtedly smaller and not as strong as her male counterparts. The underlying premise of using wing chun is that you are fighting a bigger, stronger opponent. Trading kicks and punches is clearly not the ideal strategy. The best way to mitigate size differential is to apply forward pressure to get your opponent back-pedaling.

Picture going on a worldwide tour to find the best representative of each and every martial art style. Imagine finding the best tae kwon do person; the best kenpo karate practitioner; the best kung-fu sifu; the best shotokan sensei, etc. Each individual has his own style of fighting, and each possesses his respective attributes. Now picture these people running backward, frantically trying to stay upright and get out of the way of fists flying at their faces.

Can you then imagine these people trying to execute their techniques? It is an immutable principle that is not affected by style or skill level: Once someone is running backward, he becomes a simple pedestrian. It's safe to say that no one practices his art while running backward; however, before you start a new, "backward training" program, remember that it's not the reverse direction, it's the lack of base and balance that renders the straight last recipient ineffective.

It's rather ironic how most people have their own perception of how Bruce Lee fought, undoubtedly fostered by his movies. On film, his theatrical jeet kune do was incredibly fun, fancy, and highly entertaining; however, in reality Bruce's movement was simple, economical, and direct. Dan Inosato has said, "Every fight that I have ever seen Bruce in when he was serious, he would straight blast."

After Lee died, the responsibility to keep the art alive and growing was conferred upon Inosanto. Although we read in the Tao of Jeet Kune Do about the effectiveness of elbows, knees, and head butts, the truth is that all of Lee's fights ended right after the straight blast. Because of his superior attributes, he could execute the straight blast so flawlessly that he never needed to follow up with an elbow or a knee strike.

Obviously, there are few others in this world who possess similar abilities; most of us need everything that Bruce and Dan Inosanto discovered. As Dan grew in his pursuit of the Filipino martial arts, he discovered how incredibly functional and destructive these three tools were, and how natural it was to finish the straight blast with a barrage of head butts, knees and elbows. With the addition of these tools to the cocktail, Lee's already super-effective art became even better.

There is so much contained within the vessel that is jeet kune do, it would take a person a lifetime to experience it all. It has been my personal goal (during more than 20 years of teaching) to put most functional aspects of jeet kune do into a format that can be easily absorbed by the average person. In doing so, I have broken down a fight into three phases, each of equal importance. I will explain what each phase is, and the methods for implementing each phase's tactics.

Phase 1: Entry
Although there are thousands of styles in the world, all martial art styles fight within the confine of four ranges:
kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling. Bruce Lee and Dan Inosanto discovered back in the 1960's that 99 percent of all martial artists fought well in kicking, punching, and grappling ranges. Very few, however, knew how to fight in trapping range.

Our first goal, therefore, is to enter past kicking and punching range, and get into the range with which our opponent is most likely not familiar…trapping range. At this range, we are close enough to our opponent to be out of danger from most kicks and punches; and we are close enough to use our most destructive tools (knees, elbows and head butts).

But it's highly unlikely that our opponent will let us just "walk in" to get in to this range; so the entry, the way we choose to get to trapping range, is very important. There are many techniques that make it possible to enter trapping range: blocking, ducking, slipping, bobbing, weaving, parrying, and other methods for avoiding blows. The problem with these as "entries" is that they are all passive. You may be able to sneak into trapping range, but your opponent will undoubtedly be aware that you are coming in and be able to get back out; or worse, he may be waiting for you with a left hook.

Bruce Lee found that pain worked to distract an opponent. This person would be focusing on whatever body part was in pain, allowing Lee to come in and straight blast with total impunity. Lee's preferred method of entry was an interception, which inflicted pain even before his attacker could finish launching a blow.

Two examples of an interception would be a finger jab to the eyes or a kick to the groin, executed while the attacker is still in motion. Both, interceptions (which are found in the art of fencing) and destructions (which cause pain to an opponent's attacking limb, and come from Filipino kali) are effective methods to enter because they are not passive. Once our opponent is in pain from an interception or destruction, we borrow that moment of distraction to enter and go to the next phase.

Phase II: Forward Pressure
This next tactic is the straight blast. After our opponent has received pain from an eye jab, a kick to the groin, or limb destruction, the next thing he feels is someone doing the 50-yard dash straight down his centerline. This sudden pressure gets him off balance and trying to escape by running backward (in the "wounded crane" stance). Now that he is going backward without balance or base, he is most vulnerable to the next phase.

Phase III: Termination
Terminating the fight involves the three basic tools mentioned earlier: head butt, knees, and elbows. Simply put, these are the most barbaric and effective tools for quickly ending an altercation. It is important that while you are applying these tools you must be hanging on to the back of your opponent's neck - much like Thai boxers. From this position we not only can launch our knees, elbows, and head butts with maximum power, but we can also ensure that our opponent is trapped right where we want him to be.

When you hold your opponent with a firm grip on his neck, he cannot get back outside to kickboxing range. Nor can he go to the ground, provided you keep a firm grip on him and keep your elbows in centerline. Our opponent is now destined to finish the fight in our range… trapping range!

These three phases represent an example of how a typical street fight might occur. This is obviously just one of hundreds of possible scenarios: weapons could be involved, you could miscalculate your entry, your opponent could take you to the ground, perhaps you want to take the fight to the ground.

Whatever situation you can imagine, it is best to prepare for anything, and that's why we train in weapons, jiu-jitsu, boxing and kickboxing - anything that could potentially help our fighting abilities. It is up to you to keep an open mind to all the possibilities and explore as much as you can.

Academy Map

Η Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do βρίσκεται στην Αθήνα, στην διεύθυνση: Δήλου 9, Καισαριανή (κάθετα στην Φορμίωνος, σύνορα Βύρωνα-Καισαριανής). Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732 (Αγ. Φανούριος - Ακαδημία - Ζωοδ. Πηγή) (στάση 9η Φορμίωνος).

Επίσης πρόσβαση με την τοπική Δημοτική Συγκοινωνία του Δήμου Βύρωνα με το λεωφορείο
10 (Καρέας - Ντάνκαν) και το λεωφορείο 20 (Κουταλάς - Αγ. Λάζαρος) (στάση Φωκαίας).

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Paul Vunak & Vagelis Zorbas