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Combative Fitness:


Πρωταρχικός στόχος στον προσωπικό σχεδιασμό του προγράμματος λειτουργικής εκγύμνασης της Ακαδημίας Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do είναι ο εντοπισμός της ρίζας του προβλήματος... Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται μέσω των εξής εργομετρικών τεστ που θα διεξαχθούν αρχικά:
Aerobic Endurance - Cooper VO2max test, Tecumseh step test
Anaerobic Endurance - RAST test
Agility - Quick Feet test
Balance - Standing Stork test
Body Composition - Body Mass Index (BMI)
Coordination - Hand Eye Coordination test
General Fitness - Wilf Paish test
Psychology - Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT)
Reaction Time - Ruler drop test
Strength-Core - Core muscle strength and stability test
Strength-Elastic - Sargent jump test
Strength-General - Burpee test
Στην συνέχεια γίνεται μία πλήρης χαρτογράφηση (Screening Assessment) του μυοσκελετικού συστήματος (ευκαμψία και αρθρική κινητικότητα) για τον εντοπισμό ασυμμετρίας, δυσλειτουργίας και ανισορροπίας.

Combative Fitness


Στο επόμενο στάδιο γίνεται τεχνική κατάρτιση ασκήσεων και αρχών γενικής φυσικής προετοιμασίας GPP (General Physical Preparedness) με έμφαση σε σωματικές ασκήσεις BodyWeight Exercises, ρουτίνες προθέρμανσης και αποθέρμανσης.

Η αποδοτική εκγύμναση είναι άρρικτα συνδεδεμένη με την σωστή και μεθοδική διατροφή, ο ασκούμενος ακολουθεί (προαιρετικά) ένα εξειδικευμένο πρόγραμμα διατροφής βασισμένο στην μέθοδο Paleo Diet (Παλαιολιθική Δίαιτα). Δίαιτα που μιμείται τους τύπους τροφών που το ανθρώπινο είδος έτρωγε πριν από την αγροτική επανάσταση μέχρι το 10000 π.Χ. ως κυνηγός – συλλέκτης – χρήστης εργαλίων – μαχητής. Αυτή η περίοδος αποτελεί το 99% της ιστορίας του ανθρώπινου είδους και αυτή η δίαιτα είναι γενετικά προσαρμοσμένη και κατάλληλη για τον άνθρωπο.

Η ολιστική προσέγγιση είναι κλειδί για την αποδοτική εκγύμναση, παράγοντες όπως ο ύπνος, η ξεκούραση, η διαχείριση και μείωση του στρες, ο χρονοπρογραμματισμός της καθημερινότητας αποτελούν κομμάτι της κατάρτισης του προγράμματος λειτουργικής εκγύμανσης, κατανόηση τι είναι: ο μεταβολισμός, ο καταβολισμός, ο αναβολισμός, ο ρόλος και η διαχείριση της κορτιζόλης και αδρεναλίνης στο ανθρώπινο σώμα, ο μυικός τόνος, οι φάσεις ύπνου...



Sport – performance

Weightlifting – the control of external weight

Gymnastics – the control of our bodies in space

Metcon  – Cardio/Respiratory metabolic conditioning

Nutrition – solid molecular foundation





Στο επόμενο στάδιο γίνεται τεχνική κατάρτιση ασκήσεων και αρχών ειδικής φυσικής προετοιμασίας SPP (Specific Physical Preparedness) με έμφαση σε ρουτίνες ενδυνάμωσης του κορμού (Core Training – Core Stability) και σε ρουτίνες εκγύμνασης Metabolic Conditioning για την βελτίωση της καρδιοαναπνευστικής αντοχής, αερόβιας ικανότητας, μυικής δύναμης, μυικής αντοχής, ευλυγισίας, ελαστικότητας, εκρηκτικότητας και απώλειας περιττού βάρους και λίπους.


The 3 building blocks of integrated training for the athlete are:

tabilization – Primary goals are to correct muscle imbalances, joint dysfunctions, postural distortion patterns, improve kinetic chain integrity and reconditioning/rehabilitation.

trength – Primary goals are to improve stabilization strength/endurance and increase muscle hypertrophy (growth) and strength.

ower – Primary goals are to enhance neuromuscular efficiency, increase power production, increase speed strength and create neuromuscular adaptations throughout the entire range of motion.

The training program is Multi-Planar (sagittal, frontal, transverse), Multi-Joint (exercises such as bench press, squats, lunges), Multi-Dimensional (stabilization, strength, power), Proprioceptively Enriched (high neural demand) and Sport-Specific.

A systematic approach is followed with the following goals in mind: injury prevention, body fat reduction and increased lean muscle mass, strength, endurance, flexibility and performance. Rate-of-Force Production (muscles producing force in the shortest period of time) is one of the best physical indicators of the level of an athlete’s performance and future success.

Muscle Contraction Spectrum and Contraction Velocity Spectrum

Training using the complete muscle contraction spectrum (eccentric, isometric, concentric). All muscles function eccentrically (reduces force), isometrically (stabilizes force) and concentrically (produces force). Furthermore, eccentric contractions are able to produce the most tension development followed by isometric contractions and lastly, concentric contractions.

If eccentric contractions are able to produce the greatest tension development, then more time should be devoted during training for eccentric contractions. Concentrating more training time on eccentric contractions would decrease injuries such as knee ACL tears. Also, strong eccentric contractions are critical for athletes to produce maximal power since all force production (concentric) must be preceded by force reduction (eccentric).

Athletes perform movements during practice and games at different speeds. Therefore, your training regimen should include sport-specific exercises that incorporate eccentric, isometric and concentric contractions at different speeds.



6 performance aspects

Biomechanical Evaluation; uses Functional Movement Screen to assess joint function and mobility, and core muscular stability, thereby enabling the Impact professional team to devise an exercise plan with the individual’s needs as its focus.

Performance testing; assesses each client’s physical and cardiovascular strength, power, efficiency, and speed.

Cardiovascular Analysis; gauges the cardiovascular capacity of a person through heart rate and oxygen efficiency testing.

Pillar/Foundational Strength Analysis and Development; helps develop balance and body control.

Body Weight & Composition; helps determine ideal weight and body fat/lean muscle ratio.

Nutrition; examination of caloric intake along with dietary analysis in order to fully realize the benefits of high-intensity training.



Balance is an aspect of fitness that is often wrongfully underestimated when it comes to both competitive athletic performance and everyday quality of life. This Balance Workout is meant to challenge and improve the control that you have over your own body, making you a stronger, faster, and more agile competitor (or fitness fanatic).

The exercises in this video are deceptively difficult. If you take just a quick glimpse at any given part of this video, you might find yourself wondering what the big challenge is. Try an exercise for yourself – the Single Leg Head Nods, with Eyes Closed, for example – and you will more likely than not find yourself struggling not to fall over.

Why you should do this workout:
Maintaining stability and being able to exert control over one’s body is a huge part of avoiding injury and falls, for both the elderly and the athletic. This workout also improves your coordination and your sense of spatial location. Aside from turning you into a more agile individual, this program will also help tone your body.

To do this routine you will need:an exercise mat and a physioball

How this workout is structured:
This video has 5 different advanced balance exercises. There are two rounds of the entire routine for a workout that comes in at just over twenty minutes total.

Advanced Exercises for Balance:

Single Leg Head Nods; Eyes Closed – Deceptively difficult with your eyes closed, you may find that you need to get the hang of this motion with your eyes open first. Make sure that you do this in a safe place where you cannot fall or trip over anything, because you will lose your balance while attempting this one. Take your time; you don’t have to go at the same speed as we do in the video. Do 5 on each leg.

Single Leg Agility Dots – Do 20 on each leg; 10 in each direction. If you don’t have tape or agility dots, just imagine that you are jumping around the box pattern. This one is a high calorie burner and great for toning the calves.

Superman Lifts – Tap into your inner superhero with this one and hop onto that physioball. Again, make sure that you don’t have any breakables (or things that can break you) around while you do this. If you need to, do this on a Bosu ball to make it easier. Do 4 lifts of each limb, total.

Physioball Kneeling Rotations – This one is tricky, and meant only for those who already have a solid foundation of coordination and core strength. If you want to make this one harder, hold onto a medicine ball or weight while you do the slow rotating motions.

Plank Extension Tucks – From a push up position, tuck the right hand and left foot inward towards your core, and then back out into an extension. Do 8 repetitions on each side, without touching the ground in between repetitions, and the repeat on opposite sides of the body. If you want to make it easier, you can rest your limbs on the ground in between reps.

How many calories does this workout burn?
The exact numbers for each person will be different, but we estimate that this 20 minute workout ends up burning roughly 170 calories for a man of 180 lbs, and 140 for a woman weighing 135 lbs.


This challenging abs workout video falls just under 13 minutes in length and uses only an exercise ball or physioball. There are six different exercises, and you will be doing between 10 – 14 repetitions of each, and a total of two rounds through the entire routine.

This workout challenges muscles more than a regular abdominal routine because of the extra demand on the core muscles necessary to stabilize on the exercise ball.

A lot of the exercises in this abs video are really very challenging and should only be attempted by individuals who have a good amount of baseline strength (particularly in the core) and who are familiar with the unsteadiness of a physioball.

For estimation purposes: A 140 lb woman will burn roughly 98 calories doing this 13 minute routine, and a 185 lb man will expend around 122.

Here’s a bit about each of the exercises:

Physioball Pike – This requires both strength & flexibility, so don’t attempt this one if you are new to working out. This exercise ends up being a great total body exercise as all of the muscle groups have to pull together to complete the motion.

Ball Crunch – The basic crunch with a twist; the upward squeeze of the lower body in conjunction with the crunch helps to engage the lower abdominals, as well as the upper motion.

Ab Rollouts – The difficulty of this move can be manipulated by adjusting the placement of your upper body on the physioball. For example, if you want to make it harder, set the ball closer to your wrists; to make it easier, place it closer to the elbows (while in the starting position, before you begin to rollout). Make sure to keep a straight line in your back throughout this exercise.

Jackknife Crunch – This is the same motion of the traditional Jackknife Crunch, except for that you are passing the ball back and forth between hands and feet. If this is too difficult, you can do the motion without the ball. With the ball, this ends up being a good exercise for the inner thighs, as well.

Plank Rotation Kicks – This one targets the entire core, and also engages the thighs to complete the rotating kicks.

Hyperextension Crunch – A basic crunch with additional range of motion, it can be helpful to have something to place on your feet as an anchor while you complete this move. Focus on really squeezing at the top of the motion and never really letting your muscles relax until you are finished with all of the repetitions.

If you don’t have an exercise ball it is definitely something that you should consider adding to your home gym equipment. It is extremely versatile and can facilitate a large variety of exercises – for far more than just the abdominals. It allows for an increased range of motion, can be used to strengthen just about any muscle group, and is great for different back stretches, as well.

A toned, defined stomach is often at the top of the list of most people’s fitness wish list, however, it is frequently one of the hardest goals to reach.

A large part of the reason why people often fall short of their “six pack abs” aspirations is that they don’t realize how important a healthy diet is to reaching that end goal.

If you want defined abs, you’ve got to lower your body fat percentage through ample cardio and clean eating. That means making fresh, non-processed foods the bulk of your diet.

Functional Strength Training utilizes resistance to increase the strength in muscles used to complete movements that are frequently used in every day living. This kind of training is ideal because it results not only in increased strength, but also a stronger, more synchronized connection between muscles and the nervous system.

Upper Body Dumbbell Workout has three rounds of seven exercises, for a total of 27 minutes. We do 12 repetitions of each functional exercise.

In order to be able to do this routine, you’re going to need a set of dumbbells, (or adjustable dumbbells), and a physioball. If you don’t have a physioball, you can use a bench, but an exercise ball challenges your core more comprehensively because you must constantly be stabilizing yourself.

Exercises in this routine:

Physioball Alternating Chest Fly
Plank Row
Shoulder Press/Arnold Press, Alternating
Alternating Dumbbell Pullover
Alternating Skull Crusher
Alternating Hammer Curl
Single Leg Overhead Cross

Common Questions

How often should you do functional strength training?
The exact frequency that you will strength train depends on exactly what your goals are.

People who want to build strength should aim to train 3-4 times a week, alternating in between workouts that focus on the upper or lower body so that the muscles you worked the day before get to “rest” and recover the next day while you challenge the other muscle group. People who are wanting to gain size may want to train slightly more frequently.

Whatever your fitness goals are, it’s important to realize that muscles need rest; doing a strenuous workout on muscles that are still sore and have not had a chance to heal may impede or even undo your gains.

How much weight should I choose to lift?
You don’t want to choose a light weight and breeze through the entire routine, and you also don’t want to choose a heavy one that jeopardizes your form, either (using a heavy weight that you end up swinging around with momentum to complete the range of motion renders your effort nearly useless).

In this strength training workout video we do twelve repetitions of each exercise per set. With that number of repetitions, you want to choose a weight that becomes pretty challenging to lift at around reps 9 or 10. By round three, the last round of reps should start to feel difficult to complete by number 7-8, just because you have already done those two previous rounds.

I am a girl and I don’t want big bulging muscles, I want to be slim. Should I lift a light weight with higher reps?
Women do not have the hormones necessary to “bulk up” like men do. It takes deliberant training and supplementation to get the bodybuilding look, so do yourself a favor and do not let the fear of looking like the woman version of The Hulk keep you away from strength training.

On the flip side, having a higher amount of lean muscle mass will help your body to burn a higher number of calories, even while you’re resting. That means that it’s actually easier to get slim & stay slim.

Muscle also takes up less room than fat, which means that strength training could actually end up in your clothes fitting looser and your body looking smaller. There’s also the fact that muscles don’t “jiggle” the way that body fat does.

Weight bearing exercises also have a laundry list of health benefits, including increased boned density, increased posture and coordination, improved mood because of endorphins released, and the lessened likelihood of developing various diseases.






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Για ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε με τον εκπαιδευτή της Ακαδημίας:


Ευάγγελος Ζορμπάς, τηλ.: 6946781911 Instructor Vagelis Zorbas in Facebook


Τα ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα διεξάγονται στην Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do στις εξής ημέρες και ώρες:


Δευτέρα (15:30-17:00), (17:00-18:30), (21:00-22:30)

Τρίτη (15:30-17:00), (17:00-18:30), (18:30-20:00), (20:00-21:30)

Τετάρτη (15:30-17:00), (17:00-18:30), (21:00-22:30)

Πέμπτη (15:30-17:00),(17:00-18:30), (18:30-20:00), (20:00-21:30)

Παρασκευή (15:30-17:00), (17:00-18:30)

Σάββατο (10:00-11:30), (11:30-13:00)


Επίσης διεξάγονται ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα πρωινές ώρες από Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή (10:00-11:30), (11:30-13:00)






Το TRX είναι ένα πολύπλευρο όργανο γυμναστικής, προσφέρει ποικιλία πολυεπίπεδων ασκήσεων (3D) που γίνονται με το βάρος του σώματος. Θεωρείται τρόπος εκγύμνασης αντίστασης. Βελτιώνει τη δύναμη του κέντρου του σώματος μας (core), όπως και τη δύναμη στις αρθρώσεις και το μυϊκό σύστημα, αναπτύσσοντας σταθερότητα σε όλο το σώμα. Λόγω της απαίτησης συμμετοχής του κορμού (core), το TRX μετατρέπει κάθε άσκηση και κίνηση σε εκγύμναση όλου του σώματος ενώ χρησιμοποιεί ταυτόχρονα πολλές μυϊκές ομάδες και αρθρώσεις, ελαττώνοντας έτσι τις πιθανότητες τραυματισμών.


27 minute Kettlebell Workout video burns a high number of calories and engages all major muscle groups. There are also many stabilizing muscles that are heavily called upon. For these reasons, this is a great Kettlebell routine for weight loss.

Kettlebells have been around in Russia since at least the early 1700’s, and in 1948 it became the Soviet Union’s national sport. For all the attention that this type of training has been receiving in the last few years, they are definitely not a new concept in terms of fitness tools, entertainment, or measuring devices (Russian farmers would utilize them to gauge the weight of their goods at markets).

These cumbersomely shaped weights have the unique capacity to build endurance, explosive strength, and flexibility simultaneously. With that said, these are a training device for the advanced exerciser and should be used with caution, particularly for those who have any back trouble and/or lack of core strength.

How this routine works:

We have included a short warm up routine at the beginning of this video in order to help ensure that your muscles are warmed and ready for the workout ahead.

We use a jumping rope to get the heart rate up – if you don’t have one, bodyweight cardio such as jumping jacks will suffice. You may wish to do a longer bout of cardio than is shown in the Kettlebell workout video above.

Next we move into several different active stretching movements of the upper body.

The Workout

This routine has 8 different Kettlebell exercises, and you will do the entire thing twice through. In between each of the exercises, you will see a demonstration clip that indicates the name of the next move and how many reps you will do.

One Arm Swing – One of the most traditional Kettlebell exercises, this one targets the hamstrings, glutes, and core, though there aren’t many muscles in the body that don’t have to pitch in to complete this movement.

Kettlebell High Pull – This one engages the upper body effectively, requiring that you maintain enough control over the weight that, while keeping your elbow at a 90 to the ground, pull the elbow back towards yourself, just before pushing back forcefully to drop back into a full one armed swing.

Figure 8 Curl – Speed up the motion on the Figure 8 Curl and it turns into an anaerobic exercise that also challenges your core.

Squat Jack Jerk – Needless to say, this painful adaptation of a Squat Jack is not made any easier when you are maneuvering a Kettlebell back and forth from the inside thigh to the outside thigh.

Full Swing 180 – If you are not experienced with this type of training, skip this move until you feel more familiar with the logistics of a Kettlebell, otherwise you might have one coming down on top of your head. This is a perfect example of a true total body exercise.

Burpee and Clean – Everyone loves Burpees, right? So we figured that the only thing better than a bodyweight Burpee would be one that had a Kettlebell clean at the top of the motion.

Overhead Cross – Lower body, upper body, and core muscles all have to synchronize in order to pull this off. Not only are you burning fat, you’re also building muscle coordination & flexibility.

Half Dragon Flag – Challenge your core strength with one of the top five hardest core exercises out there. Only attempt this move if you have a great deal of existing core strength.

This 27 minute Kettlebell video burns between 270 – 470 calories depending on a comples set of variables including your gender, bodyweight, lean muscle mass, and exertion levels.

MMA HIIT Workout

Advanced HIIT for Mixed Martial Arts Training

With advanced exercises geared towards Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, this High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routine will challenge the aerobic and anaerobic threshold of even the most hardcore fighter.

Though this HIIT MMA workout routine for endurance is not for the beginner, as many of its exercises require a high level of base strength, its moves can be modified to make them easier. For those of you who want even more of a challenge, the exercises also can be modified to become even harder.

With this HIIT routine we will be using a Tabata style 2:1 work to rest ratio of 20-seconds of work followed by 10-seconds of rest/prep for the next exercise. This routine moves very fast and it often takes your whole ten-second break to transition from one exercise to the next.

We suggest starting out with a 15 to 20 minute round of warm up cardio. This can be anything from a brisk walk for beginners all the way up to medium or high intensity cardio intervals for the more advanced fighters. Once your warm up is done we will start with the first round of the Tabata HIIT routine. Try to set up and get ready to start as quickly as you can after finishing your cardio warm up.

There are a total of four groups of three exercises each that we will be going though. Each group will last three minutes, meaning you will go through the group of three exercises twice. You will have 45 seconds of rest between groups (take more if you need to, just hit the pause button) before starting the next group. This time will be used to set up for the next round of three exercises and what is left over should be used for an “active rest” walking, or jogging in place -whatever you do don’t sit down or stop moving.

Once you have completed all four groups we will start over and run through all four a second time just like the first round. Once done with the second round we suggest adding a light cardio cool down of 15 to 20 minutes, especially if you are trying to lose fat weight. You will have only small amounts of carbohydrate left in your system so you will feel very tired but this is when you will burn the most fat content as your body will have to switch over to burning fat content to continue doing physical activity.

As mentioned above, each group has three exercises and we have picked each exercise to tax the system in a way that mimics that of the energy and motions used in an MMA training and competition.

Group 1
High Lateral Hops
Plank Jacks
Jumping Lunges

Group 2
Explosion Push Ups
Turkish Get Up
Single Leg Ventral Hops

Group 3
Medicine Ball Jack Knife Crunch
Windshield Wipers
Ball Back Extensions

Group 4
Hanging Leg Raises
Side Push Up
Jump Turns

Calories Burned
This HIIT workout is pretty rough, but it’s worth it in terms of quickly improving your cardiovascular threshold and burning calories; you can burn between 12 and 17 calories a minute. If you do the whole workout, that’s a total of 360-510 in just 30 minutes. That’s not even considering the elevated rate of calories that you will burn throughout the next 24-48 hours as your metabolism is still reeling and trying to recover.


MMA HIIT Tabata Workout

Advanced HIIT for Mixed Martial Arts Training


This 15 minute home workout video uses a tabata structure to make a seemingly easy task (just 20 seconds of each move) extremely challenging. The result is that by the end of all three rounds of any of the exercises, both your lungs and your muscles are screaming and begging for a rest.

This Total Body Boot Camp require only your bodyweight; you won’t need any equipment. Each exercise burns a high number of calories due to the large muscle groups used. Because of the intense, full-on exertion that come with each 20 second burst of the Tabata rounds, you’ll get a serious metabolic bump from this workout; you will likely have an hour or two of elevated calorie burn, long after you’ve finished up with this short routine.

This routine specifically tones and targets your upper and lower abdominals, glutes, hamstrings & quadriceps, pectorals, triceps, obliques, rhomboids, lower back, shoulders, and inner and outer thigh. As you can see by this lengthy and nearly inclusive list of muscles used, this truly is a total body workout.

Make sure that you have really done a thorough job of warming up your muscles before you jump into strenuous activity.

When you are at rest, your blood vessels are constricted and not giving your body a proper opportunity to warm up before working out intensely can cause a short jump up in your blood pressure. It also increases the chances of pulling muscles, which can sideline you and thwart your fitness progess.

Every individual will vary widely in how many calories this workout burns, but for estimation purposes, we approximate that a 140 pound woman might burn 145 calories doing this routine, and a 180 pound man might burn around 180.

The benefit about workouts with this kind of structure (where you do a high intensity exercise for a short period of time followed by a brief rest) is that the elevated caloric burn lasts longer than your workout does; even once you are finished exercising, it will take a while for your metabolism to slow down to its resting rate, meaning that you are burning energy at a higher rate for longer than just the 15 minutes that it takes to do this routine.


Cardio Kickboxing Workout


So what if the closest you’ve come to kickboxing is a slap fight in the 4th grade. This is a great workout that only takes a few times through to get the motions down and feel right at home. Of course at home with this workout means sweating like a pig and struggling to catch your breath but it is completely worth it considering the massive amount of calories it burns (see below for calorie estimates).

True kickboxing has been around for hundreds of years and is a brutal sport that requires amazing cardiovascular endurance and speed to win. Though this video is not intended to train you for a fight it does take the spirit and physical demands of kickboxing and channel it into a challenging and fun cardiovascular workout that will help you burn calories like a prize winning kickboxer.

When going through this routine there are a few things that will help keep you injury free and keep your calorie burn up. First, be sure to stay on the balls of your feet and continuously shift your weight from leg to leg. Next, never punch or kick to a full extension, always keep joints “soft” by pulling your punches and kicks back just before reaching a full extension. This not only protects your joints from the risk of injury from hyperextension but it also increases the amount of calories you burn as well. Also, keep your core tight and move as quickly as you can both pushing and pulling the motion. The harder you contract your core and the faster you move with the maximum amount of force you can control can close to double the number of calories you burn during this workout routine.

Calorie Burn Estimations
We estimate that this cardio kickboxing workout burns between 10-15 calories per minute, or roughly 270 – 405 total. These estimation ranges are based on a women weighing 130 lbs and a man weighing 180 lbs. If you weigh more or less than that, your expenditure may be over or under the figures we have listed.

The following is a quick description of the motions used in this workout video, just keep in mind that the motions performed here are for an aerobic workout only and not for use in competitive kickboxing.

- Jab (straight punch with hand on lead side of the body)
- Cross (straight punch from the trailing arm/rear arm)
- Hook (a hooking motion is done with either arm making a high swinging motion from the side generally aimed at the head)
- Uppercut (a hooking motion that starts low and comes up, generally aimed at the opponents face)

Kicks and Leg Motions
- Shin Block (bring knee up and elbows down in a crunching motion keeping hands in front of face, knee should meet and touch elbow of same side)
- Knee (drive rear knee up at same time as pulling "opponent" down into the lifting knee)
- Front Kick (drive knee up then extend leg straight forward, can be done with front or back leg)
- High Kick ( Hop rear leg to front leg position while simultaneously kicking the front foot up rotating your leg and hips to face sideways)

Stance Switch (quickly hop and shift feet, switching which foot is in front)

This is a direct transcript of the routine and the motions used in this routine. Feel free to use this for your personal use only.

Cardio Kickboxing Workout

Warm Up

30 - Arm Swing
30 - Arm Circle
30 - Torso Circles
30 - Torso Rotation
30 - High Knee March
60 – Standing Side Crunch
60 - Standing Crisscross Crunch
60 - Up and Out
120 - Jumping jacks / Jump Rope

Round One

(Start with left leg forward)
- Jab + Cross x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- Jab + Cross + Jab x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- Jab + Cross + Jab + Ducking Stance Change x 10 (5 on each side)
- Jab + Cross + Uppercut + Uppercut x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- Hook + Uppercut + Uppercut + Hook x 10 (switch Stance and repeat)
- Jab + Hook + Hook + Uppercut + Ducking Stance Change x 10 (5 on each side)

Round Two

(Start with left leg forward)
- Shin Block (F) + Jab + Cross + Shin Block (R) x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- Knee + Knee + Jab + Cross x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- Knee + Front Kick (F) + Front Kick (R) x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- High Kick + Knee + Shin Block (F) + Shin Block (R) + Ducking Stance Change x 10
- Front Kick (F) + Jab + Cross + Front Kick (R) x 10 (switch stance and repeat)
- High Kick + High Kick + Uppercut + Uppercut + Knee x 10 (switch stance and repeat)

Cool Down

Η Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do εδρεύει στον Βύρωνα στην Αθήνα, στην διεύθυνση Δήλου 9 (κάθετα στην Φορμίωνος, σύνορα Βύρωνα-Καισαριανής).  Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732, στάση 9η Φορμίωνος.  Για οδηγίες πως να έρθετε μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τον Google Χάρτη της Ακαδημίας.

Academy Map